Transparent and traceable ESG reporting

Carbon SUITE helps you monitor and analyze your carbon emissions by seamlessly integrating automatic energy consumption data with scope 1, 2, and 3 data in a centralized reporting platform

Transparency, trackability, and traceability

The Carbon SUITE lets you track where your emissions are coming from, trace the cause of it, and transparently transmit that data to the stakeholders of your organization. Akila integrates BI reporting templates that can be designed specifically for the frameworks and standards your organization follows, making reporting a breeze.

Key benefits

Akila Carbon SUITE helps you monitor and analyze your carbon emissions by seamlessly integrating existing energy consumption and waste management data into a centralized reporting platform.

Streamline reporting

Streamline collection and verification of ESG data across your whole portfolio

Carbon accounting

Transparent and detailed real-time carbon accounting aligned with the GHG Protocol

Scope-3 tracking

Share Scope 1 & 2 data with suppliers on Akila for transparent Scope 3 emissions calculations

Investment-grade data

Simplify the 3rd party auditing process with trackable and traceable data and maintain a high level of data governance

Product Features

Carbon emissions records

Collect and consolidate carbon emissions data from across your portfolio. Source data from external sources or have it automatically populated from Akila’s SUITEs.

Disclosure reports

Streamline your sustainability and ESG reporting through standardized or customized disclosure reports using transparent and traceable carbon management data.

Carbon API

Connect to external carbon management systems or platforms to import or export emissions data for tracking or reporting purposes.