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Akila expands manufacturing customer base with Gerflor

The flooring solutions provider is the latest to deploy the Akila Platform, Energy SUITE, and Carbon SUITE at their site in Changshu.

Akila, a digital twin data platform is pleased to announce that Gerflor, a specialist and world leader in flooring solutions, has chosen to deploy the Akila Platform at their Changshu, Jiangsu Province factory. Gerflor is the latest global manufacturing customer to deploy Akila’s Energy SUITE and Carbon SUITE to leverage real-time monitoring to track energy performance and simplify reporting and compliance procedures for disclosures.

Gerflor’s site includes three factories adding up to 50,000 square meters, which are fully digitalized in Akila. Akila enables Gerflor to transition away from manual energy monitoring to real time data collection. Embedded data analytics features provide customizable dashboards which visualize the consumption (or production) of energy from key systems like HVAC chillers, air compressors, and solar photovoltaics.

Philippe OBRY, Akila’s Vice-President stated “Our mantra, ‘digitalize to decarbonize’ captures the heart of Akila’s solution to assist clients on their sustainability journey. Real time energy monitoring is the first step for Gerflor to optimize energy consumption, reduce carbon impact, and continue their drive toward energy optimization and a greener future.”

With real-time energy monitoring and tailor-made Business Intelligence reports, Gerflor will streamline emissions disclosures to the provincial government and corporate stakeholders, as well as leverage data insights. By supplementing existing data with deeper insights related to the energy costs, Akila provides Gerflor a more holistic view of expenses and resource demand to enhance decision-making processes and lead to more operational efficiency.

In 3 months, Gerflor has already taken a step towards smarter energy monitoring and a data-driven transformation to their approach to energy and carbon management. Akila is thrilled to be their chosen solution to start them on their sustainable journey. We’re proud that Akila works as a solution for both business and environmental goals alike.

Sebastien GAUCHET, Gerflor Asia Managing Director stated “Akila Energy Suite allowed Gerflor Changshu site to accelerate our sustainability journey and contribute to Gerflor group effort to meet ESG target. With Akila Energy Suite we have already been able to optimize the usage of solar panels installed last year so 10% of our electrical consumption comes from green energy. With now the ability to see in real time where Changshu plant consumes natural gas and electricity we are engaging in transforming our habits to do more with less.”

For more information about Akila and our services, please visit www.akila3d.com.

About Gerflor

 Gerflor is a specialist and world leader in the flexible floor covering sector.

The group designs, manufactures and markets innovative, decorative and eco-responsible products for floors and their peripheries. Already present in over 100 countries, Gerflor’s worldwide growth continues.

About Akila

Akila is a cloud-based digital twin data platform for the built environment. It is our mission to transform the full lifecycle of properties to be more sustainable through data. Akila gives building owners and tenants unprecedented control over the performance of their buildings with the Akila Platform and operational SUITES, scalable to entire portfolios.

Since 2021, Akila has been expanding rapidly. As of today, we have a team of 150+ people across Asia, Europe, and North America, with in-house engineering, AI, and R&D teams. Akila’s customers span many industries and property types, from retail to hospitals, and factories to office towers totalling over 10 million square meters managed across 300 deployment sites.

We are striving to be the go-to platform for decarbonizing buildings for organizations across the world.

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