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Akila’s Transition Plan : “Race to Zero”

In 2022, Akila joined the UNFCCC’s race to zero to support the decarbonization of business and building operations. In support of that commitment, we have developed an action plan.

As a signatory and advocate of the United Nations Global Compact, we have positioned Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) digitalization and valuable insights as core value propositions, we aim to align our sustainability plans with the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and commit to emission reduction across the entire value chain. In alignment with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), we have pledged our commitment to the “Race to Zero” global initiative. We are ardently working towards the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Business Ambition for 1.5°C.

In order to uphold these commitments, we have meticulously designed and publicly disclosed a comprehensive roadmap outlining specific measures from short-term to long-term. By 2030, we aim to diminish our product carbon footprint by 50%, striving to attain operational carbon neutrality even before that milestone. This well-defined plan demonstrates our unwavering dedication to sustainability and global climate goals.

Building upon our dedication to sustainability and global climate goals, we have announced our commitment to revolutionize the built environment through the integration of advanced Digital Twin solutions such as Building Management Systems (BMS), Energy Management Systems (EMS), and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS). Our transition plan aims to create smart, efficient, and energy-saving environments that prioritize human-centric values and sustainable development while progressing towards net-zero emissions.

To actively reduce carbon emissions and enable organizations to make a positive environmental impact, our Akila Energy software is dedicated to incorporating all sites and facilities under its management within the next 2 months. This comprehensive approach will facilitate total control over the carbon footprint across the entire value chain. By integrating carbon emissions management, the platform provides real-time monitoring and identification of emissions, making it easier for organizations to manage and optimize their energy usage. This results in increased energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact.



In addition to energy management, Akila is committed to implementing digitalization and transparency in waste management to reduce its carbon footprint and move toward a circular economy. Through advanced digital technology, the company will track and monitor the generation and disposal of waste in real-time, identifying carbon emission sources during the waste management process using data analysis.

In the mid-term, we are focused on achieving operational carbon neutrality (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by prioritizing energy efficiency measures, using renewable energy sources, and offsetting residual emissions with verified carbon credits. To support these commitments, we have established a sustainability steering committee, holding monthly meetings to review targets and formulate resolutions to achieve our goals. Regular reviews and updates will ensure steady progress toward this objective, further solidifying our unwavering commitment to sustainability.

In the long run, we will always proudly stand at the forefront of the fight against climate change, committed to offering innovative solutions that continuously empower stakeholders and help clients contribute positively to global efforts. As we pursue our ambitious goals, we remain dedicated to fostering collaboration and forging partnerships with other industry leaders and organizations. These alliances will not only enhance our ability to innovate but will also facilitate the development of groundbreaking solutions for addressing the critical challenges of climate change. Moreover, we are committed to cultivating a culture of responsibility and empowering individuals to contribute to a more sustainable future.

To ensure transparency and accountability, we will regularly publish progress reports on our sustainability efforts, highlighting the key milestones achieved and outlining the steps taken to overcome any obstacles encountered. By sharing this information, we aim to inspire other organizations to join the fight against climate change and help create a global movement toward a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

Our timeline


  • Akila is founded to help clients reach their sustainability and ESG goals


  • Akila pledges our commitment to the “Race to Zero” global initiative
  • Clarify our scope, target boundary, and target commitment period
  • HQ office deploy a smart system for energy saving and optimized waste management


  • Achieve operational carbon neutrality
  • From 2023, we will regularly release progress reports on our sustainability efforts to maintain transparency and accountability. These reports will highlight key milestones achieved and outline steps taken to overcome any obstacles. Additionally, we will hire a third-party authority agency to audit our efforts and results.


  • Reach a 50% reduction in carbon emissions compared to 2021 baselines in alignment with SBTi
  • Through energy efficiency measures, using renewable energy sources, and offsetting residual emissions with verified carbon credits, we will finally realize our pledge on time


  • We will make maximum efforts to achieve total carbon neutrality before 2040 and ensure zero emissions by 2050 to complete the 1.5-degree Celsius temperature control target.
  • We believe by joining together, we will facilitate the development of groundbreaking solutions for addressing the critical challenges of climate change
  • We remain dedicated to fostering collaboration and forging partnerships with clients and suppliers who share similar values with us
  • We also inspire other organizations to join the fight against climate change

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